Patrice Perret-HerscoviciPatrice


28 years of experience in exhibition and congress organisation

After a Management Master (Paris Dauphine – 1984) and a Marketing DESS (IAE Aix-en-Provence – 1985), he has spent his entire career in event management.

  • 8 years at SEPIC (now Comexposium) as Marketing/Sales Manager and Technical Director of fairs, exhibitions and events of a size between 20 000 m² and 100 000 m² : Machine-Outil – Manutention – Interchimie – SITS – …
  • Founding-manager of Forum 7 : Technical Management of events (NetWorld+Interop from 1996 until 2002 amongst others).
  • Founding-manager of Infora (founded in 2004).

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The team is made up of 4 people ensuring the services of Infora’s different departments.

5 departments for professional event organisers

Infora offers various services for professionals of the event management, fair and congress organisation sector.

More information can be found at

  • Event Organisation

    Support for clients in organisational matters: technical organisation of events – development and management of the event mapping – operational management for partners and Infora.

  • Training

    A range of 20 modules and 65 different training sessions offered in 2015. These modules are primarily aimed at businesses and jobs in event managent and organisation.

    More information can be found at :

  • Recrutement for Event Management Firms

    Infora sources experienced managers and highly qualified professionals for its clients (organisers of fairs, congresses and exhibitions, technical service providers) in order to guarantee the success of their events.

  • Studies and Consulting

    Consultancy services for event organisers and managers of exhibition and congress centers: visitor surveys, technical audit, financial audit – …

  • Statistical Monitoring of Commercial Events and Exhibitions

    In 2006, Infora was certified by the French Ministry of Commerce (‘Publication au J.O du 16 décembre 2006’) as one of the three national agencies that legally certify commercial events and exhibitions. More than 50 event organisers use Infora’s services to fulfil their legal obligation of verifying the key-indicators and statistics of their events.